2022 COVID Precautions

We’ve been working hard to safeguard health and wellbeing throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. In both 2020 and 2021 we hosted the annual Granite Days events virtually, as a means of protecting health for all. In 2022, COVID-19 remains with us. However, collectively, we now have more tools and resources to help us manage the disease and understand our own levels of risk.

We want to gather in-person, as a community. The following precautions support our ability to be together for Granite Days 2022:

  • We know that many, and nearly all, Granite stakeholders are vaccinated.
  • We ask that you not attend events in person if you are symptomatic or have tested positive for COVID-19 within the previous five days.
  • We encourage you to take a rapid antigen test prior to attending if you’ve recently been exposed to someone who tested positive.
  • We ask that you consider your personal and family health risk factors.

We will continue to monitor public health conditions and adjust protocols as appropriate.

Portions of Leadership Day and the Stakeholder Meeting will be livestreamed if you are unable to attend in person. If you want the livestream option and have already registered, you can modify your registration.

Please contact Madelyn Blaha (madelyn@granite.com) if you have any questions or want more information.
