Granite Days 2016

Past performance is no guarantee of future results.


Granite Equity’s portfolio and advisory leaders met for an enthusiastic Leadership Day on the topic of Employee Engagement and Development. The guest speaker was Maureen Crawford Hentz, Director of Talent Management and Career Strategy Consultant.

Leadership Day

See the 2016 Leadership Day photos and the Leadership Day Binder.


Exhibitors and attendees from Granite Equity’s companies, investor companies, and professional advisory firms came together once again for connection and networking.

Stakeholder Tradeshow

See the 2016 Stakeholder Tradeshow photos.


The afternoon’s meeting featured an employee panel as well as the annual Cornerstone Award presentations. The Granite@Work video featured Vector Windows in its company profile and Massman Automation Designs, LLC, as its new investment spotlight – both available in the right panel.

Stakeholder Meeting

See the 2016 Stakeholder Meeting photos.


The cornerstone is one of the first stones laid in a foundation, orienting and supporting the rest of the structure.

The Cornerstone Award recognizes individual executives or directors, investors, and advisors who have made foundational contributions to the Granite mission. Our congratulations and thanks go to Jerry Bauerly, Steve Fairbanks, and Art Monaghan – our most recent Cornerstone Award recipients.

Cornerstones 2016 Winners

Company Profile

Whether leveraging partnerships, focusing on lean principles and on-time delivery, or investing in equipment and employee development – it’s an exciting time for Vector.

CEO Briefings

The CEOs all summarized their 2015, covering each company’s highlights, challenges, and financial performance.

new investment profile

The team provided an introduction to Granite Equity’s newest investment: Massman Automation Designs, LLC. The feature covers the company’s history, outlook, product, competitive advantage, and work culture.

Cornerstone Awards

Introductory speeches and award presentations

Massman automation

An introduction and perspective from CEO Jeff Bigger

Leadership Day

Keynote speaker Maureen Crawford Hentz on employee engagement, part 1:

And, part 2:

Partner Fireside Chat

Employee Fireside Chat
